29 March 2012

Last Year's Veggie Patch...

After having spent a good day or so this week digging the veggie patch over and digging in compost to start it all off again for another season...I decided to take a peep back at last year's first attempt at backgarden farming!! The patch started life as a patch of wild grass, that grew from a pile of discarded turf...it had some pretty wildflowers (some would say weeds!!) growing through it, but on the whole was a mess!! So I dug it up...
...yup, I did it pretty much myself, then Mum and Dad came to visit and helped with lots too including the last, hardest bit around the base of the apple tree!!!...but I was pretty chuffed with all my efforts last year in the digging stakes!! The smallish people were on board...and helped to propagate and plant up the 'crops'...
We planted up rows of chard, beetroot, carrots, little gem and radishes before finishing the other side!!

After Mum and Dad had visited, the other side was looking better...in went peppers, tomatoes, mange tout, runners and the rhubarb...
Everything grew really well...

We even added extra rows of radish and carrots once the first 'crop' had finished...
...and later on some rocket and spring onions were added...
I was particularly pleased with the courgettes we had...
I managed to pick a few runners most days to add to dinner!!
The peppers grew well, turned bright red, but when picked just collapsed into my hands, full of water - we had a very wet August, so am wondering if they were just water-logged!! Shame...
A selection of 'goodies' from the garden...
So now I am thinking about what to plant, and where, I still have the two sides, one slightly shadier than the other, but both get enough sun...The tomatoes are going in a different spot this year, a better, much sunnier place! Thinking of the 'crops' that were a) most successful and b) most eaten last year...the little gem was fab, pick and come again...one sowing lasted pretty much the whole season...so that will go in again...radishes too...and mange tout...(not that we got to eat many, as a certain smallish person kept sneaking them fresh from the garden!!)...runners definitely...but then I am torn...I fancy trying fennel, aubergine and red onions this year...but don't want to overcrowd the small space we have...and then there's the courgettes...hmmmmm....what to do...??? Maybe just a few of each and some clever succession planting to ensure a steady supply of 'goodies'.... decisions, decisions...will keep you 'posted'.... 

1 comment:

  1. Wow, this garden is beautiful! Lots of lovely veggies. Well done!


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