30 July 2012

Summery Chicken Pesto Pasta...

...I found this recipe in one of the many foodie magazines that I enjoy reading...and thought it would be ideal as a quick, no-fuss, summery supper dish...and one that (potentially) we would all enjoy...

...it takes only a few ingredients and not much time to put together this tasty supper dish...

Soften a bunch of spring onions...
...add in some cooked chicken...(I really cheated and used a packet!! But of course this would be great for using leftovers from a Sunday Roast)...
...stir in some pesto (I used about 4Tbsp)..I think this dish would work with red pesto too, but I used the classic Basil variety...
...Get your chosen variety of past cooking...and for the last 4-5 mins of cooking time add in some green beans...
...back with the chicken mix, and add in some light cream or creme fraiche...any variety works...
...strain and drain the pasta and beans...reserving about 4 Tbsp of the water to loosen your sauce in a minute...
...mix it all together adding some of the reserved pasta water to loosen the sauce to your liking...
...and serve sprinkled with some parmesan...
The great thing about this dish is that it can be adjusted to feed 1, 2 or 6 pretty easily...and even better, is that it is great as a lunchbox filler the next day...

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