...if it were up to me I would rename them...possibly along the lines of Sea-Salted Chocolate Sables...
They are a bit temperamental as far as biscuit doughs go...I guess the clue is actually in the name...sable means sand in French!! and the dough is well and truly like a pile of sand if made correctly...so how do get form a pile of sandy dough to the most divine salted chocolate biscuits?? Like this...
...whizz the room temperature butter and the mix of the two sugars until blended, but no need to go light and fluffy this time...we're not making a cake after all...
...then slowly mix in the flour, cocoa, salt and bicarbonate of soda...don't overdo it...
...remember they are sables...we want a sandy crumbly texture...
...stir in the chocolate (I used chunks and a half and half mix of plain and milk - they were going to be for kiddies, and didin't want them too dark and chocolatey)...
...tip the 'dough' onto the counter...not very dough-like right now...but a quick knead later...
...and there you are...still crumbly and want to fall apart at the slightest touch, but a ball of biscuit dough none-the-less...
...split into two and make two sausages...they should be about equal...Hmmm never mind!! They should be about 4cm in diameter...this was quite tricky to do actually, as they did break apart pretty much every time I touched them!! But we got there eventually...
...wrap and roll in clingfilm, pop one on the fridge for a couple of hours to firm up and the other can go in the freezer for another time...or the fridge if you want lots right now!
...Once chilled to firmness it's time to cut them...another tricky feat!! But no worries, as you can just mould them gently back together again...the recipe says they should be about 1cm thick...but I couldn't get them that thin...so probably made a few less than I could have...pop onto a baking tray (lined of course) and bake...
...Gas 4/180c...for about 12minutes will do it...they don't spread out too much so don't get overly stressed over spacing them out...let them cool on the trays for a good 10minutes or so before moving to a wire rack (if you don't, they will revert back to sand!!! Albeit now baked sand!!!)
Eat and enjoy...you could even share them...if you can...they are so delicious, you may end up eating them all yourself!! The salt come through quite strongly, but not really until after you finish eating them...it seems to linger in your mouth, which is nice as it counteracts the sweet chocolatey biscuits...The Smallish Ones really enjoyed, and asked for seconds!! That frozen dough may not stay frozen very long in our house!!!
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